Sunday, January 10, 2010

What to make?

Ever ask yourself this question at oh, say, 5:30 in the evening and have no idea what you are going to make for dinner? I hate that feeling! Being a mom, a stay home especially, has placed me in the position as primary meal maker. I don't mind most the time and actually really enjoy cooking (and baking even more!!), but I have fallen guilty on more then one occasion with that horrible question bouncing around in my brain. I am finding after 6 years of parenting and almost 9 years of marriage that a "meal system" is a must in a household where you need to feed people. (I think that covers all of us!) I am a planner in many areas in my life and meal planning is no different!

To begin... I believe meal planning has to be do-able and non-stressful. Not everyone will function on the same plan or in the same way. I have tried a few different styles and this is what works for me. I have tried planning meals by weeks, months, and bi-monthly. I have found that month meal plans leaves me feeling bored with end of the month's meals and not enough space in my kitchen to store all the ingredients. Plus, I always end up running to the store for basics and grab random things as I walk the aisles. Lately I have been using the weekly method. Not my favorite, but it's working for now. I am a big fan of bi-monthly when I can get in that groove. My suggestion... sit down on the weekend and write out your meals for the week. Use some fun paper that you can place on the fridge or in a cupboard to help keep you on schedule :) I like to check out the newspaper ads and check out what's on sale that week and plan around that. Once you have your meals planned make your grocery list. ALL of it. Basics, meal prep ingredients, meat, anything you might need that week. I like to shop on Monday's and get EVERYTHING I need for the whole week. This saves "quick trips' in the middle of the week and when it's time to prepare your meal at the end of the day you have everything you need. Planning meals is not only a time saver, but a money saver too. Grocery shopping for a list of meal items all at once will save you in the long run. Have you found yourself running to the store for milk and a can of cream of mushroom and returned home with 2 bags full of random things because it looked good at the time, was on sale, or you thought you might need it? Yeah, me too. Having a plan is a time saver, a money saver, and a brain saver!!

Go ahead... try it out. Plan your meals for this week or the next 2 weeks and see how it feels to come home or be home and be able to answer that dreadful question of "what to make" at 5:30 everyday. Even better, your husband and kids will thank you (or at least be happy :-) when you can politely answer their question of "what's for dinner"? Happy Cooking! Happy Planning!

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