Saturday, January 23, 2010

loving your man

This one is geared towards you married mom's... all women are welcome to read though :)
Lets talk about husbands. I believe husbands are a true gift from God. If you have been blessed with a special man in your life, take time to thank God for him today if you haven't yet. At times, they are a real pain in the you know what, but they are and always will be God's gift to us. :0) I love my husband and though we have our quarrels like any other married couple, we are united, together, steadfast. I love him. He has been my best friend for many years. He brings to our marriage characteristics that I don't and can't give to this team. He brings to our family qualities that were set aside just for him. Your husbands were woven together for you and my prayer is that you will live life today in a way that honors God's plan for your life in this area.

If you are a wife, we are instructed to love our husbands. Titus 2:4 says 'Admonish the young women to love their husbands". Before our children even, we are to love our husbands! Older women should train the younger to love their husbands! That can be a hard task when you are constantly tending to your children's needs. However, I constantly have to instruct myself to put him before them. Our children will be better off when we focus on our second love first. (God first, husband second, kids third). I think this can be shown in the little things. A quick love note, hot breakfast made before he heads to work, cleaning his favorite jeans and shirt to wear, making his favorite meals, letting him have the remote control and actually sitting with him while he watches whatever he wants (and not reading or being on our computers!), an encouraging email to him during his work day, praying for him, asking him "what can I do to help you today?", paying attention to him. Often times it's the little things that go the farthest in our relationship. Especially as kids enter the picture, the little things happening will make your relationship with your husband feel more constant instead of small and minimal. Take time to connect with your husbands. My relationship with my hubby goes much farther when I intentionally focus a little bit of myself on him.

What about you married mom's? What things do you do that speak love to your hubby? I'm always looking for ideas to enrich our life here in our home. Share the love my friends!

And looking back at the verse from Titus... do you have an older woman whom you look up to in the "wife" department? If you do... what is it she is doing that makes her stand out as a good wife?

Love your husbands today! You were made for him. You are wonderful and beautiful and made to love! Be sure your husband knows that today!


  1. good reminder. i like to send him texts or emails during the day, just telling him i love him. i need to be more intentional more often though.
    okay, off to go love my hubby! :)

  2. Because of this post, I snuck a sweet card in my hubby's car before he left for a business trip to tell him I'd miss him. I think it's especially hard to remember that husband comes first when you're in the trenches of little kids. I need to be more intentional about thinking of ways to show that in our home. I know one mom who always served her husband's food first at meals (instead of the kids). If mine weren't screaming with hunger pangs, that might work great in our house! :) This post was a great reminder for me... thanks!!
