Thursday, September 23, 2010

Do you have space?

Lately, I have been thinking hard about how I live my everyday life. I am feeling like I want to live a life that has space for life to just happen... instead of trying to make my life happen all the time. I want to have my heart ready for what life brings us, my head able to be in the present moments, and my home available for life to just unravel here. Space. I am feeling a lot lately that in order to live daily filled with joy and peace that I need to allow for space. Leaving room for my heart to be filled and my head to be challenged and my home to have lots of possibilities requires me not being too bogged down to miss or over plan for these chances. Chances of a life time. These are short but important thoughts for me tonight. I want to start waking up in the morning feeling available for what God has planned for me and my family that day. Hmmm.... space for God to work and for me to follow. I think I need more space...

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