Friday, March 26, 2010

Is it spring yet?

Oh my, in the mid-west we hear this question over and over and over again! I think we are finally getting closer to answering "YES!". I love the 4 seasons and like all the others I always look forward to this time of year. So many new things... new tree buds, new flowers, new grass growing, new spring hair-cuts, new wardrobe to pull out, new play areas to explore, new gardens. There is something about the newness in nature that stirs a child's soul. Have you taken the time to watch your little ones explore the great outdoors and all the newness it is to them? One of our favorite things to do is visit a local reserve area. We leave our phones at home and pack a lunch to spend a couple hours exploring the outdoors and all the new beauty there is. Between hiking around, sitting by the water, looking for flowers or tree buds, and listening to the birds and water rush it is one of the most peaceful moments with my children. There is a small door you can walk through between winter and spring (especially if you are in a 4 seasons area) and embrace this moment with your kids! In a busy and fast paced world I just want to encourage you today to take a break, if even only for an hour, and find an outdoor place you can let your kids explore and see. I think your heart will beat slower, your mind will slow down, and your memories will last forever with your new tradition of finding Spring together with your favorite little ones. Yes, I think spring is finally here!


  1. great idea. next week is supposed to be really warm too i hear!

  2. Hooray for spring!! My little guy laid on the sidewalk and watched a caterpillar forever this morning. I LOVE spring!! Great idea to hit the trails!
